Who Holds Your Box?

Something I often have to ask myself is, "Who am I allowing to be responsible for my joy?" If our joy is to be found in the Lord, why do I so often make other people/things/situations responsible for it? Probably because I'm human. But we're always learning! 

The other night, this became more real to me when the Lord allowed me to see how easily it happens. 
It's like I pick up a box with "joy" Sharpied on it from the feet of Jesus and hand it off expecting someone or something to catch it when it wasn't meant to be handed off. 
It's so easy though. And we will quickly end up disappointed over and over when we place that responsibility on shoulders that weren't meant to fulfill us. 

Sure, people and things may bring us happiness, and they do, but where is our JOY found? 

The joy of the Lord is my strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)

If Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8), we're set. (Things and people of this world are wishy washy, but He certainly isn't.)